The Ultimate Scrubbed Up Timeline
Year 11/Grade 10
Choose your A-level and IB Subjects
Use our Scrubbed Up Ultimate tables for a guide to your final choice.

Work hard towards attaining your GCSE grades
Check out our GCSE requirement column to set some targets!

Start gathering some work experience! Volunteering is usually the most accessible option!

Year 12/Grade 11
Register For The UCAT. The dates run from July to the 1st of October
Start Planning Your Personal Statement. Use our Personal Statement bingo to eliminate clichés early on!
Register For The September BMAT. Date is usually in the first week of September
Date is usually in the first week of September
Use our free Personal Statement checker for comprehensive feedback within 2 weeks!
Start booking and going to Open Days
Check out our article for some tips on how to make the most of your open day!
Use our UCAT tips to help your revision in UCAT Season!
Stay focused during COVID-19. Learn how to adapt your application for virtual learning from open days to work experience!
​Start having a think about potential referees and reach out early!
Deadline For September BMAT Registration
Check out our BMAT tips to help you revise!
Narrow down universities for UCAS. Get the insider perspective on 17 medical schools across the UK!
International students-Applying from abroad? We have just the advice for you!

Year 13/Grade 12
Good Luck For The September BMAT!
Register For The November BMAT. Send your essays our way! Use our free BMAT essay checker
Finalise your personal statement. Looking for some inspiration? Co-founder Hithin shares his medical journey!
UCAS Deadline - Make sure that your application has been submitted!
November BMAT deadline for registration, you've still got time if you haven't registered yet
Good Luck For The November BMAT!
Remember all our top tips to help you get them high scores

The waiting game begins…Interview season is from December to April! Be patient and stay focused on interview preparation
Interview preparation begins! Start your preparation with our fool proof guide to interviews!
Familiarise yourself with the basics of medical ethics!
Interviews for International Students
Make sure to cover the key topics when preparing for your interview!
Start building your interview toolkit. Try and incorporate some of these phrases into your interview preparation!

Use the DEALL framework to practise delivering interview answers concisely and effectively
Interview preparation continues! Check out our advice for tricky interview questions

Good luck for your A-level Exams! Keep working towards your target grades!
It’s the home stretch! Interview season is almost over
Recommended reading for the aspiring medic! Here are some great sources of inspiration for interview answers!
IB results are in! Congratulations!
​Start applying for your student visa as soon as possible!
Time to make a choice!
Remember that one offer is all you need!
If you’ve received multiple offers now is the time to start thinking about your final UCAS choices.
Revisit our personal accounts/reviews of medical schools!
Good luck for IB exams!

A-level Results are in! Congratulations!
What’s medical school really like? From studying and societies to everything in between! Find out more about your future at university!
