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Our achievements

  • Over 1000 medical students have either contributed/ actively involved with Scrubbed Up, from over 25 UK medical schools nationwide. This includes over 175 articles, vlogs and other media on the subject of medical school. This includes dedicated pages for those from a widening participation background.


  • Scrubbed Up has conducted our highly popular Scrubbed Guide to Medical School Webinar in schools and sixth forms nationwide.


  • Provided a Free Personal Statement Checker Service and have marked over 250 medical personal statements with personalised feedback.


  • Organised our annual charity Mock MMIs in December 2020 and raised over £4000 for the Human Appeal charity.


  • Work closely with the University of Manchester and are the first student-run website to be featured as a recommended resource on the University of Manchester’s website.


  • Partnership with the Royal Air Force (RAF) to promote a career within aviation medicine. Also have worked with other organisations, such as Career Wales and National Career Service.


  • Worked in collaboration with Macmillan to deliver an online workshop for medical students on the importance of communication skills and the fantastic work carried out by Macmillan


  • Speaker at the International JASME Conference on Widening Participation Initiatives.


  • Co-created the ‘Thriving not Surviving Mentorship Scheme’ in partnership with the University of Manchester to support medical students from a widening participation background, during their time at medical school.


  • Work closely with three national charities (David Nott Foundation/ MAA/ 999 Cenotaph) and have organised/ currently organising national fundraising/ social media campaigns to raise money/ awareness to three fantastic causes. For instance, we conducted a collaborative event with the David Nott Foundation at Whalley Grange School in Manchester, aimed at engaging sixth form students with medicine, surgery and humanitarian careers.


  • Worked with Manchester MedSoc to build upon medical student engagement and cohesion, through events such as the ‘ The Great Manchester Bake Off '.


  • Have amassed over 15K followers on our respective social media platforms.


  • We deliver highly popular student-led clinical teaching that supplements the medical school curriculum in engaging and interactive environments. This includes the Clinical Handbook series, a weekly lecture series teaching key clinical concepts for finals and preparation for foundation training. This further includes the This included advisory sessions on topics ranging from planning electives to intercalation.


  • Conducted multiple mock interviews and OSCE stations giving medical  students the invaluable opportunity to practice their communication and clinical skills in an encouraging environment.

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